Results and key findings from Suffolk
Suffolk churches ran the Who Cares survey Spring 2018. A total of 6,144 responses were achieved.
In East Suffolk many responses highlighted Negative Emotions as one of the main hurts and accounted for 18.7% of the results across all age groups for this region. This was found to be significantly higher than any other category, accounting for over a quarter of all responses for those in the 18-34 age bracket.
In West Suffolk, Injustice came out as the top category and included both global (e.g concerns over war and famine) and more personal issues ( lying and bullying). Almost a fifth of the responses in West Suffolk related to Injustice and is reflective across all age ranges except for the under 18s, where Negative Emotions featured more highly.
One final, intriguing observation is that despite many communities facing financial difficulties, money concerns did not feature significantly.