— we’ve been asking people ‘what hurts the most?’

Friends. Money. Sickness. Family. Loss. Anxiety.

Over 40,000 people have answered our One Big Question, ‘What’s the one thing in life that hurts the most?’

And every answer is different.

Pain is part of all of our lives, but each of us will experience it differently. The pain of this life is real, visceral and for some of us might feel overwhelming.

So how do we find hope? What might Christianity offer in the middle of our pain? Explore the issues below to find out

these are the most common responses…


Dave has suffered with physical pain for much of his life.

Yet in Jesus, he found a new hope greater than anything he’d experienced before. Even in the midst of pain and suffering, he was able to hope in Jesus.

There are countless stories of the hope that Jesus provides and how it transforms lives. You can find more on our website.